Eagleslist Build Instructions All build instructions are also available in their corresponding source folders as markdown files. Eagleslist Client 1. Clone this repository to your computer. 2. Open project in Visual Studio 2015. 3. Verify that Humanizer and Newtonsoft.Json have been installed via Nuget. 4. Build and configure eagleslist-server (https://github.com/5-Bit/eagleslist-server) 5. Build and run Eagleslist in Visual Studio. Eagleslist Server 1. Install golang (https://golang.org/dl/) on your server 2. Install postgresql (http://www.postgresql.org/download/) on your server, at version 9.3.9 or newer 3. Create a postgres user called appuser that is not a super user that has a password. Record the password somewhere you can find it. 4. Run “go get -u github.com/5-bit/eagleslist-server” to fetch this project and all of it's dependencies 5. Run the SQL code in schema.sql as the postgres user 6. Run go build 7. Run “sudo setcap 'cap_net_service=eq' ./eaglelist” to allow Eaglelist bind to low ports, like 80 8. Run “nohup ./eaglelist &” to start the server. 9. Fin. Eagleslist Journal Website (5-bit.github.io) 1. Install Ruby (https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/) if not already installed. 2. Install Ruby Gems (https://rubygems.org/pages/download) if not already installed. 3. Run “gem install jekyll” to install Jekyll (http://jekyllrb.com). 4. Clone this repository to your computer and change directory into the folder where it's saved. 5. Run “gem install jekyll-mentions jekyll-sitemap” to install dependencies. 6. Run “jekyll serve”. This will generate a "_site" folder containing all the rendered HTML and CSS for the site and start a web server to display it. 7. Navigate to “http://localhost:4000” in your browser to see the site.