For our second team meeting, we started working on deliverable one. We completed most of our software requirements specification (SRS) form, as well as our project's use case diagram.

For our use case diagram, we determined that there will be a single primary actor (user), as well as two sub actor types that inherit from user (moderator & faculty member). All users will be able to perform actions such as managing their own accounts, searching listings, and creating listings. Users that are faculty members or moderators will have higher privilege levels.

For example, moderators will be able to perform actions related to managing other user's posts, as well as suspending or deleting problematic or abusive users. Faculty members will have the ability to verify their faculty status via email. This will give them the ability to register which books the plan on using for various CRNs and course codes.

After working on these documents, Andrew began giving John lessons on the basics of Go, which is the language we will be using to write our web service in. The rest of us (who will be responsible for working on the Windows application) made sure that we all had Visual Studio Community Edition 2015 installed. For the two team members that use Macs, Windows was installed using Bootcamp and Parallels VM software.